Browsing CategoryCreative Nonfiction

The Marrying Kind Published in Room

Room has published my story The Marrying Kind, in their summer issue. In their content page, they listed it mistakenly under fiction when it is, in fact, non-fiction. I was flattered that the story had fooled them, since I believe that good creative non-fiction should display the same sensibilities and skills we expect from good fiction, but I was also disappointed for the exact same reason. I feel like many people have a narrow view of what creative non-fiction is, and this was an opportunity to broaden that view. Nevertheless, the story is out and I’m thrilled. It is a…

Read My Story In Event Magazine

The newest issue of Event is finally out, where you can read my award winning story “Victim.”  The magazine is available in bookstores, or you can purchase or read a preview of their digital edition. It’s a great issue and you should buy it! The other two winning entries are “Alphabet Autobiografica”by Eufemia Fantetti, a fabulous writer and one of my closest friends. (In fact, she’s the nameless ‘friend’ I refer to in ‘Victim’…) and “Asleep at the Wheel” by Katherine Fawcett. This year’s judge was John Burns, former editor of the Georgia Straight. In his judge’s essay he writes: “In “Victim”, author Ayelet…